
Conservative PAC launches to fact-check left-wing lies and deception

TAMPA, Fla. – Representatives for FACTS in Politics, a new national political action committee (PAC) headquartered in Tampa, announced the PAC’s launch Thursday and their plans to hold politicians accountable for lies and deception. FACTS in Politics PAC will evaluate the truthfulness of statements made by politicians, mainstream media outlets and social media influencers based on biological and Biblical truths. 

For example, it is a basic Biblical truth that God created man and woman. Thus, a man cannot become a woman. Such simple, unadulterated truths are not up for debate, and any such debate would have been considered laughable just 20 years ago. 

FACTS in Politics was founded on the belief that the media, which leans heavily left, has abdicated its responsibility to truthfully inform the American public, and has instead become a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party. The media obscures reality through lies of omission, deception and outright falsehoods. 

While combatting lies from the left and also the right, FACTS in Politics will work to get honest, Christian conservative politicians elected to federal office. 

“A brainwashed populace is incapable of self-governance, which is why it is so important to make sure the public is properly and honestly informed,” said James Judge, co-founder of FACTS in Politics and the 2022 Republican nominee for Florida’s 14th Congressional District. “As the left-wing media continues to promote their preferred Democrat leaders, Americans are led further away from the truth. A healthy Republic is dependent upon an unbiased media that presents facts and allows media consumers to come to their own conclusions, instead of telling people what to think. Our system is broken, and we intend to fix it.” 

About FACTS in Politics

FACTS In Politics is a Political Action Committee (PAC) dedicated to monitoring the truthfulness of the mainstream media, elected officials and candidates for political office. The mission of FACTS in Politics will be to ensure truth is upheld and that statements and actions by politicians and the media are evaluated against biological and Biblical truths. Our ultimate effort is to expose lies and help Christian, conservative leaders get elected into office.

Conservative PAC launches to fact-check left-wing lies and deception